Team McLean Fitness Club is an independent home based boutique gym with the latest training techniques and fitness equipment. An all inclusive experience, all ages, all abilities and all fitness levels! We offer a range of services to suit your needs and your busy routines.
Don't just look great for your wedding date - FEEL HEALTHY for the rest of your life! What can Team Mclean Fitness do for you?
> Weekly Subscription
> Kick Start 10 Week Challenge : all inclusive, form and function group sessions
> Us To You! : Home & Location Sessions
> Group Training : Corporate or Private
> 1:1 Personal Training
> Running & Cycling Groups
Class Subscription : Come and join in on our classes as many times as you want! A fortnightly payment enables you to participate as many classes as you can, to keep you on track for your fitness and health. We understand it can be daunting getting back into exercise or difficult to manage work, life, fitness balance; so this will enable you to get it back into your routine!

> 2 compulsory technique sessions in week 1
> 5 x group fitness classes per week - 33 available to choose from
> Bring a friend discount!See Classes page for timetable
Us To You Service : Home & Location Sessions - Personal or Small Group Training We can come and bring the gym to you! We understand how hard it is to make time for yourself, whether it be looking after a baby or being stuck at the office until the late evenings. Approx. 20km radius from Belmont Gym.

Kick Start 10 Week Challenge : Each team mate is encouraged to complete a Kick Start 10 Week Challenge to begin their fitness journey with us. This will start a new routine and teach you fitness and nutrition foundations, develop consistent change and uphold your commitment to yourself and the team. 2 compulsory technique sessions in week
1 5 x group fitness classes per week - 33 available to choose from
Nutrition coaching
1, 5 & 10 week, nutrition & fitness progress check ups (including measurements)
2 body composition scans
Personal meal plans
Email tips and tricks

Personal 1:1 : For a more personal approach when exercising.
